Strengthens the immune system of the Child: Step One
On the role of vitamins
Hardly anybody knows about vitamins that are vital for both adults and children. Certainly, many have heard that even in times of pirates and James Cook's sailors on ships hoarded bark quinine, which saved them from a terrible, deadly disease - scurvy (and later, scientists found that in the cortex contains vitamin C - ascorbic acid, lack of and which causes scurvy).
Modern medicine knows the truth, why do we need each of vitamins, scientists have determined not only by their role in the body, but also accurately described the symptoms of their full or partial shortage. It is well known that a deficiency of vitamin D and calcium, both in children and adults, leads to disturbances in the structure of bones and teeth from vitamin A directly depends on visual acuity, and so on.
But recently, scientists are increasingly attracted by another property of vitamins and minerals - their ability to render complex effects on the human immune system, or more simply - to strengthen the immune system, helping children and adults to fight infections.
Times of Captain Cook's bark and quinine are gone ... What replaced them? What tools and how to help improve health in the XXI century? How parents help their child grow up healthy and strong?
The greater need for vitamins have children:
• In the period of intensive growth
• In the period of adaptation to kindergarten, school
· Often suffering from infectious diseases
• s chronic kidney disease, intestinal
• s poor appetite
· Experiencing increased mental and physical stress
Immunity of the child and the susceptibility to infections
Children from 2 to 6 years of the immune system has its own characteristics and not as developed as in adults. Children at this age are more sensitive to infections. On the one hand, acute respiratory infections, borne in early childhood, contribute to the formation of antiviral and antiinfectious immunity. At the same time, if SARS, repetitive Bole 6 - 8 times a year, restoring the normal functioning of all parts of the immune system of the child does not happen. Moreover, repeated SARS contributed to the formation of children with chronic bronchial disease, chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis, provoke exacerbation of allergic disease. They may cause a delay of psychomotor and physical development and even lead to the development of immunosuppression (suppression of immunity). Therefore, for children starting to attend kindergartens and other children's groups, particularly important to strengthen the body's own defenses (immunity). Vitamin therapy - a natural way to strengthen the immunity of the child.
According to the Nutrition Institute of Medical Sciences of Russia, the majority of children suffer from vitamin deficiency. Most doctors have to deal with poligipovitaminozami (lack of a number of vitamins). What are the causes of this deficit? Two main reasons: lack of vitamins in the diet and increased demand for their child's body.
Depending on region of residence prevalence of deficiency of vitamins and minerals ranging from 14 to 50%. Food can not adequately meet the needs of the child in vitamins. Even a balanced diet is deficient in essential vitamins at 20-30%.
Vitamins for strengthening immunity child
Science are a number of vitamins and trace elements that have a significant positive effect on the immune system. Acceptance of these substances in physiological amounts is an important prerequisite for prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections ( "colds") and other infectious diseases in children of any age. Therefore, vitamin - it is the first step towards healing the child, which is available to parents and is entirely in their competence.
Key vitamins and trace elements, recommended frequently sick children
Vitamin A (retinol) * is needed for the immune system, increases body resistance to colds
Vitamin E
(tocopherol) protects cells of free radicals, stimulates the immune system, improves absorption of oxygen by the body, activate the production of protective factors.
Vitamin C
(ascorbic acid) reduces the permeability of blood vessel walls (reduces swelling of mucous membranes and the propensity to hemorrhage), increases resistance to colds, has antitumor (anticancer) activity.
Vitamin B1 (thiamin) is involved in energy production in the body, supports normal functioning of the nervous system, has "antistress" effect
Vitamin B2
(riboflavin) is involved in energy production in the body, promotes the assimilation of fats in the body
Vitamin B5
(pantothenic acid) releases energy from fats and carbohydrates, affects the immune system
Vitamin B6
(pyridoxine) is involved in a number of reactions of metabolism, regulates the function of the nervous system, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) stimulates hematopoiesis, the formation of new cells (together with vitamin B12), reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and congenital malformations of the brain
Vitamin PP
(nicotinic acid) is involved in lipolysis with the formation of energy, lowers blood cholesterol levels (prevention of cardiovascular disease), stimulates certain reactions
Selenium is an essential trace mineral. Jointly into participating with iodine the thyroid gland affects metabolism (including vitamins) in the body, has CARCINO and radioprotektivnym effect, increases immunity, slows aging, reduces toksicheky effect of heavy metals (cadmium, lead, thallium, gold , arsenic)
Zinc is an essential trace mineral. Required for the immune system, hematopoiesis, the updating of tissues and healing wounds. When infectious diseases may experience an increased demand for zinc
* More intense color marked elements, which play the most important role in strengthening the immune
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