Friday, September 18, 2009

Methods of treatment of prostate cancer: it must know each

The method of treatment for prostate cancer - an easy task. Each of the existing methods has its pluses and minuses. However, the time the patient usually is. In most cases, prostate cancer progresses slowly, so the patient can properly reflect on their actions.

When choosing a method of treatment must take into account several factors: medical and personal.

* Stage of disease. How rapidly growing tumor? Are there metastases? Results of tests and examinations can obtain a complete picture of the disease. The seriousness of cancer is measured by Gleason and depends on the ability of tumors to the rapid growth and proliferation. Also indicate the stage of the disease - it depends on the availability and number of metastases.
* Age of the patient. Given the estimated age of risk and potential benefit from a particular method of treatment. For patients older than 70 years often selected expectant management.
* The general state of health. Depending on the health issue is solved, if you can endure a certain kind of treatment. If, in addition to cancer, you have heart disease, diabetes or had previously been operations on the prostate gland, it is taken into account when choosing a method of treatment.
* Side effects. In the treatment of prostate cancer may experience various side effects: impotence, urinary incontinence, etc. Think of how serious may be their impact on your life.
* The effectiveness of treatment. Check with your doctor's prognosis and what treatments are most effective for the statistics in your case. Think, do not outweigh it in your case, risks and side effects of the potential benefit of treatment.
* Your preferences. The choice of a method of treatment for prostate cancer can affect many reasons. Discuss this with your doctor or with someone who held similar treatment and able to give adequate advice.

Whatever decision you may have as a result, discuss it with family members and others who care about your future.
Rx Tennessee

Be an example for your child

You explain to children what is good and what is bad. Teach them to look around, crossing the street, say thank you, listen to teachers.

But the children take over and then what you do not teach them special: your food preferences, attitudes to sport and to their own health. You - the most important force shaping the life of the child. You for them - an example to follow.

If you say you do not like vegetables, you unconsciously teach your child that no vegetable can do. Studies show that diets of children and their relationship to sport is largely affected by the example of parents. Children more likely to eat that food that is enjoyed by parents.

Show your child an example

* Think about your own habits and how they can change. Maybe we should do more exercise and make it part of everyday life?
* Inculcate in children a culture of healthy lifestyle from infancy. The skills and habits acquired early in life may be preserved for the rest of his life.
* Keep track of your health. Were regularly screened by a doctor and take all prescribed the medication.
* Eat together as a family. Children prefer to eat a wholesome meal, if all family members gather together for a meal. According to the calculations of researchers, if children eat separately, then 6 out of 10 children are receiving too much fat, and fruits and vegetables regularly eaten only 2 children out of 10.
* Sport. Planning sports, do not forget to bring them to the children. So they soon realize the benefit of physical culture. Ride along on a bicycle, walk in the park, leave the flying saucer, or simply go for a walk in the evening.
* Do not smoke. Passive smoking is very harmful for children. If you smoke at an open window or in another room - this is not the solution. Even if it happens on the street, you teach children to ensure that smoking - this is normal. If parents smoke, the likelihood that the child lit up, rising by 2-3 times.
* So, wear in the car. If you have fastened themselves, even in the back seat, your children will learn this habit. According to statistics, car accidents - the most common cause of infant mortality.
* Wear a helmet, riding a bicycle, motorcycle or on skates.
* Talk with children about the habits of a healthy lifestyle. Do not forget to mention the fact that he gives - good health, strong bones and muscles, normal weight.
* Consistently demonstrated a positive attitude to sport and healthy lifestyles.
* Do not hesitate to talk about their feelings and express their love child.
Rx Minnesota

Passive smoking and children

Every day 15 million children breathe tobacco smoke. From 9 up to 12 million of them - are children under 6 years, the most vulnerable to the harmful substances contained therein.

Passive smoking in children is directly linked with the following diseases:

* Severe asthma
* Heavy infection of the inner ear
* Respiratory Tract Infections (including pneumonia and croup)
* Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
* Children's Leukemia

Each year, from 150 to 300 thousand children between the ages of 12 to 18 months are exposed to tobacco smoke. About 15 thousand of them admitted to hospital with diseases such as bronchitis or pneumonia. About 300 children die from respiratory diseases related to passive smoking, including from asthma attacks.

What is passive smoking?

Passive smoking - it is inhalation of tobacco smoke, which spreads itself around the end of a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe, as well as the smoker himself. As cigarette smoke contains about 40 thousand chemicals, 50 of which are carcinogenic.

Why is tobacco smoke in the home is especially dangerous for children?

When passive smoking in adults, too often develop respiratory illness, but for higher risk children. Here's why:

* Lightweight children had not yet formed.
* Children inhale more air and breathe more than adults. As a result, in the same environment in their lungs gets more toxins.
* The immune system of children less than adults.
* Small children harder to leave the indoor smoke than older children or adults.

What can you do?

* Talk with your doctor how to quit smoking. There are plenty of nicotine and other drugs that can help you with this. Quitting smoking will save your child from tobacco smoke and reduce the likelihood that he will start smoking.
* Help to quit their loved ones. If you live with a smoker, ask him to give up smoking or smoking on the street.
* Do not smoke in the car.
* Make sure that the school or in other child care institution, which is visited by your child, do not smoke.
* Make sure that the babysitter the child does not smoke.
* Do not smoke near the child and do not leave burning cigarette butts in the ashtray next to him.
Rx Arkansas