Sunday, June 6, 2010

Love and marriage

Between Love is the almost complete disappearance of the earlier neurotic disorders: phobias, depression, hypochondriacal disorder.

Throughout the development of human thought mankind there have been numerous attempts to study the concept of love. The results of these studies was often mutually exclusive - on the Cialis Price understanding of love as Damascene, humanised instinct of reproduction until cleared of any sexuality, the sublime feeling.

To this day, make a final concept of love: its origin, destination and even a common definition. Interest also is important, because this sense plays a big role in shaping the human personality and in his self-realization, which makes the creation of the theory of love, of Order Cialis particular importance. This article describes the state of love, its physiological and psychological mechanisms, an attempt to understand the meaning and purpose of this condition.

When there is love.
In the field mezhpolovyh relationship after the subject to determine the most attractive partner, he must obtain reciprocity, which is often associated with more or less difficulty. To achieve this goal include the mechanism of commitment, which focuses on the subject of the selected object, not allowing him to be distracted by an equally or even more attractive partner. Easy access to the partner is not necessary to include this mechanism. And that is exactly the reason that in societies where the freedom of sexual relations is cultivated, the main problem is the lack of bright, strong emotions in the relationship between the sexes.

In case of failure to satisfy sexual desires - because of socio-cultural reasons, or because of lack of mutual attraction - and if the object appears to have some positive spiritual qualities, the subject has a sense of passion. The positive qualities of the object being exaggerated, negative minimize, the object is endowed with non-existent virtues. The object itself or its image is a subject of the excitation of the nervous system. The behavior of the object, determined by the subject as a positive attitude toward him, may cause pronounced euphoria and conversely, a negative attitude or relatively long separation causes dysphoria. In the case of alternation of the object of "positive" and "negative" behavior of the reaction of the subject is strengthened and fixed. If at this stage there is a sharp break relations with the object, a subject having known psychological problems ("looping" on his thoughts about the object, loss of vital interests, suicide).

Regardless of the presence or absence of communication with the object, it is constantly present in the thoughts of the subject, which causes a feeling of affection. In this case, the presence of an object Viagra Cialis in close proximity to the subject feels a sense of comfort. For sufficiently strong intensity of feeling the subject begins to identify with the object as a whole. As a result of intensive and long focus on each other (love the attention!) Multiplied by cohabitation, or at least long enough stay nearby, there is a special state of mind, which is very precisely defined A. Adler: "read the unconscious unconscious."


Love allows the two of strangers quickly became friends. In moments of love can relate to a stranger, as a vital, desirable and most expensive substance on the planet. Temporarily disrupted the integrity of the individual, make it easier to get close to a stranger. Yet, by having a love psychic and physical intimacy (not necessarily sex) - is not love in the true sense, but merely an illusion, even if it is a chance more than to see a person in the entire mortgaged its beauty and grandeur. And there's nothing wrong with this state is not, except that illusion, "gift" of nature - not durable.

If partners do not have time to mentally get closer to the time of departure, the first wave of love, they risk waking up one day strangers. People say: "Love has passed. In fact, she did not come. Those beautiful moments gave her lover the love.

What is the function, the purpose of romantic love? This reduces, first, to the awakening of the intimate sphere of Cialis Side Effects young people (primarily - young women), and secondly, to the formation of a permanent, stable couples in the third - to the conservation of this pair.

On a couple affect many of centripetal forces that threaten her destruction. Here and some boredom, inevitable in long-term relationships, and commitment to diversity (including sexual!), And mutual resentment - all not listed. Among the forces that hold two people together, an important place occupied by memories of the period of romantic love - a position unusual and unforgettable. Memories of these give rise to a very simple idea: if I felt for this woman so bright and unusual feeling that is not experienced to any other woman, so we had meant for each other, we had somehow particularly well suited to each other. Memories of love warms us in the long marital weekdays.

By virtue of that section of the brain responsible for the passion may not always be in an excited state, then for a sufficiently long-term positive relationship between the subject loses the ability to react Cheapest Cialis euphorically for all the positive actions of the object. In connection with that entity ceases to communicate a sense of euphoria with the object and the passion passes. According to some, this feeling lasts 3-12 months. However, frequent brief separation or periodic negative behavior of the object to the subject can significantly extend this feeling.

Most couples stop at the final stage of love, but their hearts still crave love and do not want to relax. This leads already married men and women to search for love on the side. And they change their official half not so much because of the lack of sexual satisfaction, as is commonly believed, but because of the lack of real love, genuine psychic and physical proximity. Condition of man and his health while in love. Between Love is the almost complete disappearance of the earlier neurotic disorders. Young women often neurotic symptoms - phobias, depression, hypochondriacal disorders, of which the most common, of course, phobias - fear. A girl can not come for years on the subway or in the elevator, but worth it to fall in love - and fear they disappear like a dream. Reduce feelings of love - the symptoms appear again, but often in a much weakened form. In some cases the symptoms disappear completely and forever.

Coverage has ideas, including obsessive, combined with powerful emotional and autonomic manifestations. A few months a person is able to express emotional lift, in a buoyant mood, energy level, with significantly less sleep, late fall, early wake up.

Modern research has discovered that Valentine pronounced increase in immunoglobulins - blood proteins that lead to resistance to infection. Also increased and red blood cells - the carriers of oxygen. The fact that the love between people almost never sick, wrote more Avicenna and Paracelsus, but today we know what are the mechanisms of this improved health. Love is even better for chronic diseases: R. Levant investigate the condition of more than 100 young Cialis Daily women with childhood diabetes. During the love they have decreased the amount of sugar in the blood, stopped the fall of view, and showed improvement in many other functions. B. Brooks has studied about 250 young people with peptic ulcer disease, and almost all of them during the "first love" is found not only reduce the symptoms (pain, heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, heartburn), but significant scarring ulcers proven by X-ray and confirmed by computer analysis of X-rays.

Lovers have the ability to transfer their emotional elation and their health, increased resistance to stress and infections of people with whom they constantly communicate a long time are next - first of all, colleagues. Those who daily deals with love, is also significantly increased health indicators. American psychotherapist D. Little has compared the incidence of influenza during the autumn-winter season in two large sections of the well-known New York bank. Each of them worked nearly forty people of the Free Cialis same age and social status, but in one there was a couple in love (at the peak of feelings), and in the other - no. For six months in the latter department got cold 32 people in the first - only five. From the second of three cases suffered from severe infections and were hospitalized in the first no one was hospitalized. By April, the average concentration of immunoglobulins (antibodies) in the First Officer of a two times higher than the second.

Similar studies were done in England, and France, and the results were the same: those who are close to the long-term lovers, becoming healthier, and a "recovery" is stronger, brighter "light" in love. In general, about the striking physiological and biochemical changes in the body in this short period of life can say a lot.

It happens that in a few months of romantic love with a loving but maloseksualnymi women are truly miraculous transformations. First of all, shame disappears, so characteristic of young women. Significantly increased pleasure they get from the proximity, appears or intensifies Cialis Viagra Levitra orgasmic discharge. And new forms of intimate life they learn easily, naturally, in one breath, without any resistance. Such a complete disappearance of modesty and the emergence of an amazing sexual relaxedness sexologists called "the disappearance of borders of the body - the body of a loved one is perceived as part of its own.

The hormone oxytocin is known as the "hormone of arms. He enters the blood when someone's skin gently caressed or someone enclose the tender embrace. It increases the sensitivity to touch and cause a sense of community, which is an important factor in relations between men and women. Touch - a special language that allows to establish a deep contact between a man and a woman. The language is very simple. But he must learn to talk. By the way, in many developed cultures of massage has an important role in the art of love, he was considered a key to understanding the expression of intimate partner and location.

All kinds of psychological and sexual activity combined with a completely normal work or study, and lack of sleep is postponed amazingly easy. Today, all leading experts agree that in the case of romantic love, we are confronted with a particular state of consciousness does not fit into the known psychological classification that combines the highest activity and unconscious spheres, and intelligence, and sexual activity in the broadest sense.

Love and marriage.

For 50 years the divorce rate in civilized countries, including Russia, is slowly but steadily improving. The disintegration of the couple - severe injury, major cause of neurotic disorders and Discount Cialis Pharmacy diseases, and psychologists have long been trying to determine their causes. It is believed that the main cause of divorce - wrong, wrong choice of marital partners.

Of course, psychologists and psychotherapists from different countries are asking: on what basis we choose husbands and wives? Why are half of us choose them correctly, makes a mistake when choosing?

Nowadays, most people, studies show that married for love (meaning love). Only less than 10% of residents of large cities are recognized as a critical factor when choosing a marital partner were material considerations, all the rest claim that they love their chosen or chosen one. Love, which many call love - a mysterious, unusual and complex phenomenon, a special state of consciousness with disabilities, especially in the field of thinking. The most important of these disorders is an idealization - attributing his handpicked some supernatural qualities, human and intellectual qualities. Favorite - or your favorite - seems extraordinarily good, sensitive and caring, intelligent and insightful.

Today is the opinion of authoritative experts, that we do not fall in love when we meet a suitable man for us, but when - often at a subconscious level - in need of striking feeling, when we want to be distracted from the depressing daily life, and in some cases - when going through an internal crisis, and even claimed that the majority of people with love, fleeing from depression.

And in this rare, in some disease states, we do propose to her and become husband and wife, and six months, the maximum per year (romantic love does not last long!) Find that the most unusual of its merits, we simply figured out that nothing special and so attractive to us in this woman there. The choice wife - this is a serious matter, and make it in a morbid state of "love neurosis" is dangerous - better to wait for recovery. Studies show that the longer couples knew each other before marriage, the greater the chance that their union will endure. C. Forward, the careful study of 2,000 young Cialis 20mg married couples, has proved most unfortunate choice made by those who were married at the peak of love - three - four months after the onset of this feeling and start a joint sex life: 40% of them were divorced a year later, still 30% - or two, but by the end of the third year were married only 20% of couples. Of those who were married two years or more after the emergence of amorous feelings, more than 80% were husband and wife within five years after the wedding.

Thus, the relatively long courtship, considered by many the product of social conventions, in fact, plays an important social and biological role. Children's script, or trap passion. Psychologists believe that we really want to see in the companion maternal traits. But what? No, not very positive! In our 3-5-7 years, we wanted to make her mother a warmer, more affectionate, dreamed of a large merger with it. In addition, our mother could be very good and warm, but we still did not have enough of their heat - so big, boyish need for it. And many mothers and can not and do not want to give his sons a proper attention - they do not have either power or time, especially single mothers, exhausted by work and life. Childhood dream "melt" mother cold and we have retained in adulthood, and met a cold woman, "include" - children's desire to the surface. In addition, we now have many times more opportunities to warm against women - we can surround it with care and attention.

As a result of this insidious psychological mechanism, we often get married to partner, in principle, unsuitable for living together, and kind, soft, women remain behind. Experts call this phenomenon "reconstruction with inversion" (we are trying to restore, reconstruct the child's situation, but to draw it into a better direction for us), or "pull cold." Convinced that thaw the cold of our chosen one we can not, we leave it, but the wound in the soul remains - and here, and a woman.

It is clear that the subconscious craving for cool mates is much more pronounced among children of single mothers (divorced or unmarried at all) - but so is every third man. Psychological statistics show that they often make mistakes in choosing his wife - the proportion of divorces in their first marriages is about 60%. The choice of such a failure, a second marriage, they take an average of five years after the collapse of the first. But ... learn from mistakes, and second marriages they have the same stable as those of boys who grew up in complete families. In general, the second marriage is more stable: only the fourth of them falls.

The most stable first marriages observed in those men who grew up in a full and prosperous families and have a sister close in age - slightly younger or slightly older. For such men divorce rate is only 20%.

And another important question is asked experts: how does the speed of early sexual life with his partner to start a family?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Мешает ли наследственность похудеть

Доводы логики отрицания генетической гипотезы, почти аналогичны выводам, которые позволяют нам отрицать гипотезу метаболизма в пандемии ожирения. Но есть некоторые обстоятельства, о которых вам необходимо знать. Слово пандемия есть синоним эпидемии, то есть увеличение количества случаев в какой-то прогрессии.

Гипотеза о генетической природе ожирения продолжает будоражить умы наших горе теоретиков не способных сопоставить два факта: А. Прогрессивное увеличение случаев ожирения Б. Коэффициент рождаемости 1,8 в развитых странах, на долю которых приходиться наибольшее количество регистрируемых случаев. Добавлю ещё пункт В. Генетическая гипотеза существует более 25 лет, и до сих пор она не дала ни каких видимых подтверждений. Более того, сама гипотеза выдвинута на голом месте в отсутствие фактического материала. Приведу небольшой пример: "Вызывают ли патологические гены ожирение? Распространенность ожирения драматически увеличилась в последние 60 лет, в то время, как почти не было изменений (Пункт А. и Б. , авт.) в человеческом генотипе. Проблема ожирения представляет классическое взаимодействие между генами и окружающей средой. Гены, участвующие в регуляции массы тела, появились где-то между 200 000 и 1 миллионом лет назад (интересно было бы посмотреть на формулу расчета, авт.). Факторы окружающей среды, контролирующие восприимчивость питательных веществ и физическую активность, были совершенно другими в то время (Откуда вы это взяли? Что белковые соединения из которых состоят земляные черви, так кардинально изменились?, авт.).

Учитывая сложность ситуации, трудно даже представить, как начать поиск нужного гена. План действия можно разделить на несколько положений….." Итак, гипотеза уже есть, а ген еще только предстоит найти. Да трудно искать черную кошку в темной комнате, особенно если ее там нет! Больше всего меня возмущает в гипотезах генетической причинности, это отсутствие описания механизма действия предполагаемого гена. То есть ген есть несмотря ни на какие факты это отрицающие. Если бы такой ген и появлялся в отдельных индивидуумах, в период 200000 - 1000000 лет назад, то такой организм проиграл бы в естественном отборе в сравнении с человеком имеющим генотип, современного человека.

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Дамы и Господа естественный отбор, или эволюция, по своей сути это самый настоящий, беспощадный, не прикрытый - Г Е Н О Ц И Д ! По-русски говоря уничтожение людей с "ущербным" генетическим набором. Конечно, таких людей ни кто не сжигал в газовых печах. Просто в своей жизни они имели дополнительный, негативный фактор, который неизменно ухудшал выживаемость, как самого обладателя, так и его потомков. Добавим к этому фактору 1000000 лет или даже 1000000000 лет действия и вот результат: мы в подавляющем большинстве не имеем генетического набора, способного вызвать ожирение. По этому, утверждать, что такой ген был у некоторых особей еще можно, но что он массово представлен в современной популяции человека - полный абсурд.

Мастерство, с которым шарлатаны от науки обходят фактический материал, просто изумляет, можно сказать вызывает восхищение в некотором роде. Ни кто не посмеет отрицать факт, то женщины, в подавляющем большинстве, имеют большую жировую прослойку на своем теле относительно мужчин того же возраста. Это забавный пустячок, почему-то ни где не упоминается. Сопоставление относительного женского ожирения в популяции, ставит очень жирный крест на причинности ожирения от каких-либо генов. Никто не посмеет утверждать, что мужчины и женщины имеют разный генетический набор и разные гены ожирения. И уж тем более наличие временного лага в статистике ожирения ни как не ложатся в какую-либо генетическую гипотезу пандемии ожирения.

И опять же хочу здесь отметить, что я отрицаю генетическую причинность в подавляющем большинстве случае. Отдельные случаи как раз возможны. Но они составляют такое ничтожное число от общей массы, что вызывает простое недоумение объёмы финансирования попыток определения такого гена. Существование, гена ожирения, в принципе, возможно, повторю еще раз.